Estate Sale Services

Whether you are moving, downsizing or dealing with a family estate, SISTERS offers a complete estate liquidation service. Our professional services include introduction and explanation of service, organization, set-up, and pricing. Advertising includes local newspapers, website, on-line advertising services, flyers and printed signage. In addition, signs are placed in our shop and mall locations along with a detailed listing of items for sale and numerous photographs. We also notify subscribers on our mailing list via email and direct mail.

SISTERS manages the estate sale and provides a complete accounting when the sale is completed. We will also provide various options to you for unsold items.

Our initial consultation is at no charge. If we are contracted to handle your estate, additional meetings are at no cost to you. If we do not handle your estate sale, we are available for additional consultations on a fee basis.

*When you begin preparing a home for an estate sale, do not throw away items until you have a professional estate sales service walk through the home! There are many unexpected items of value in your house and garage.